
Player-Generated i10 Primer!

The City of Heroes website reports the following...

Are you still wondering just what Issue 10 is all about? Scratched the surface, but you aren't quite sure on all the new features?

Well, never fear, one of your fellow players has you covered! Chase Arcanum from the Liberty server offers a comic book guide to the many features and aspects of Issue 10: Invasion. You may know Chase Arcanum from the Comic Book Creator Contest, where he was the winner in the “Best Story” category.

Using the same Comic Book Creator software from the contest, Chase offers a humorous review of Issue 10. Be warned there are some spoilers to the content included, so if you want to discover everything for yourself, you might want to hold off.
You can view the rest here along with the links to the comic to view online or download as a PDF.

See guys? It's more than just beating people up and finishing missions!

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