Thanks to the persistence of yours truly and the leader of the City of Comic Creators, the administrators (aka "Red Names") of the City of Heroes forums have started a new announcement thread for all C.C.C. releases.
First comic announced... "Guardians of the Dawn Spotlight" Issue #10!
It's good to see the comic series finally get some recognition!
Meanwhile, I came across this great video from Powerman 5000 that I wish they came out earlier with so it could have been included in the City of Heroes & Villains Soundtrack on iTunes. Enjoy!
Recognition and a Villain Video
Chronicled by
David 2
at wartime
Reference: City of Comic Creators, City of Heroes, City of Villains, Guardians of the Dawn, Media
Trailer for Issue 17
Okay, actually this isn't from Paragon Studios. Even better... it comes from Samuraiko. And it shows the GREAT features in Issue 17.
Issue 17 is Pre-Loading NOW
Players for City of Heroes will probably notice a HUGE download after closing their game engines.
Issue 17: Dark Mirror is pre-loading.
"Dark Mirror" sets the foundation for the new "Going Rogue" expansion (which should be released at the same time as Issue 18).
What this means is that GR's new "Ultra Mode" is being installed into the City of Heroes universe. This is a new graphics system that will make the layout of ALL "City of Heroes" locations look more realistic. Reflections, light shadows, textures, will all take on a new vibrant appearance.
Cimerora (Ancient Rome)
The good news is if you are using a low-end graphics card, you can turn this feature off.
But that's not all!
All epic archetypes (Kheldians and Arachnos Soldiers) will now be accessible at level 20 instead of 50! That means if you're struggling just to get a character up to the cape mission, you can now enjoy the FULL range of archetypes instead of having to get all the way up to 50. (By the way, if you're using a trial version of the game, you're still screwed, because you can only get up to level 14 without getting the full subscription.)
"Dark Mirror" will also introduce a brand new enemy to the Paraverse, and it's one that you'll face AT level 20! Good thing you got that new help, huh?
Also the Positron Task Force will be split in TWO! Finally! That's the hardest of task forces for anyone to complete, and Battlerock Babe should know! Over on the Villains side, the Silver Mantis Task Force will be available for ALL villains, not just for supergroups.
Plus, new emotes, new TAIL emotes (for those of you with tails), new badges, new Mission Architect options, in-game emails to other players (or other characters), and much, much more.
And that is SOON! The pre-load means the countdown is on!
Get ready for DARK MIRROR!
Chronicled by
David 2
at wartime
Reference: City of Heroes, City of Villains, game news, Upgrade